The Imoca OceansLab was launched on October Friday 20 2023, in front of the Black Pepper Yachts shipyard, on the Loire.
Firstly, the masting took place just before launching, under the rain. Then, the Den Ran (rigging) and Phil Sharp teams were both in attendance as the mast was installed while the boat remained on its keel cradle.
Launching at the Black Pepper shipyard is a delicate operation because it requires a 400-ton crane with a 60m-long arm to drop the boat into the Loire. This operation must be carried out by calm wind and at the time of still for not having current. Despite unpredictable weather conditions, Mediaco came to install its crane the day before, and carried out the handling with great skill!
Immediately following the masting, the launch was conducted. Launching a boat is always a great emotional moment for the whole team!
No sooner had hit water than the teams arrive and board. Subsequently, It will then be towed to the Belem pontoon in Nantes where the Imoca OceansLab will stay for a few days before returning to its home port in La Rochelle.
Both Michel de Franssu – Black Pepper Yachts and Phil Sharp – skipper of OceansLab are happy!
Now, Phil Sharp’s teams will take the reins! Black Pepper will stay by his side and assure him with all the necessary support.